Turkey has a history full of serious human rights violations, as well as a tradition of combating violations. We are non-governmental organizations, professional organizations and initiatives that take part in this history of struggle and carry out rights-based works in various fields, including violation of the right to life, torture, enforced disappearance, forced migration, social trauma and conflict-based collective memory and discrimination.
We emphasize that confronting the past and being accountable are essential for both meeting the demands for truth and justice of the victims of violations and eliminating the increasing social and economic injustices in Turkey. Withdrawal from public service as well as judicial punishment of perpetrators of serious human rights violations; revealing the truth by establishing independent truth and investigative commissions; developing compensation and reparation policies for victims and survivors; the state taking responsibility through a formal apology; We would like to remind you that practices such as rehabilitating state institutions that condoned violations in order to prevent future violations and disseminating human rights education are effective methods operated within the scope of confronting the past. We find it remarkable because we see the call for "halalization" by the leader of the main opposition party in this context. Although we approach the term "halalization" cautiously, we are aware of the importance of keeping this area of discussion on social reconciliation active.
The field opened with the call for halal can evolve to create a unique model of confronting the past in Turkey. On the other hand, as a result of decades of systematic violations of the state's human rights obligations, it is usual to be skeptical of any call for confrontation. The first step in demonstrating a coherent political will for the state to assume responsibility is to weave a participatory process. A transparent process involving various segments of society, particularly survivors and civil society, is essential for any call for confrontation to be credible and successful.
It should not be forgotten that the past must be filtered through the principles that hold us together, such as truth, justice and peace, in order to eliminate social polarization and ensure democracy. Indeed, confronting the past also makes a promise about the future: the promise that violations will “never happen again”. The experience and know-how of civil society fighting for equality and freedom will play a key role in building the transformation needed to keep this promise.
No matter what we call it, whether to say goodbye or face the past, we expect the steps to be taken in this direction to serve lasting peace. For this, it is vital that the mechanisms we mentioned, such as reparation or revealing the truth, are linked to the root of the problems. Thus, this process also means confronting the founding story of the Republic, built on pure Turkishness, its racism, class domination, religious and sectarian discrimination, sexism, and cysheterosexism. There are many areas to face; Instead of prioritizing, they should all be treated differently, by seeing their difficulties. That's why we remind you that the victims and civil society should fill in the halal.
It is our call to everyone who is determined to face the past: We aspire to build and carry out every process that will be carried out on the basis of truth, justice and equality as non-governmental organizations, professional organizations and initiatives operating in these fields.
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